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Page history last edited by RicK Amaral 12 years, 4 months ago


Plymouth Regional High School Library Research Pages


*New & Improved* PRHS Library Website 


2010 Information for the School Community Council



Research Pages for Classes & Activities:

2009 - 2010 School Year


Fishing - Mr. Lamb

PBA - Mr. Fish

POLA - Ms. Werda

Transitions - Mrs. Morrison

Volleyball Page - Coach Werda


Applied Technology

Health Science Technology Research - Mrs. Raymond



Digital Photography - Mrs. Sanborn

Graphic Design - Mrs. Sanborn

Web Design - Mrs. Maclean



APE Language & Composition - Mrs. Boyd/Mrs. Kochien

British Literature - Mrs. Kochien

English - Mrs. Bunkley

English 9 - Ms. Kimball

English 9 / Ancient Greece - Ms. Kimball

English 10 - Mrs. Donahue

World Lit - Mr. Thorpe



Finite Math - Mrs. Jemery

Math Topics - Mrs. Niles



Biology - Mr. Sanborn

Chemistry - Mrs. Blanchard

CSI - Mr. McKenney

Earth Science - Mrs. Bartlett

Environmental Science - Mrs. Bartlett

Intro to Chem - Ms. Day

Physics - Mrs. O'Brien


Social Studies

AP Euro - Mr. Lamb

AP Euro - Mr. Miller

AP US History - Mr. Blais

AP US History - Mr. Gulick

Civics - Mr. Gulick

Criminal Law - Mr. Blais

Far East - Mr. Blais

Global History - Mr. Miller

U.S. History - Mr. Blais

U.S. History - Mr. Mausolf

World Geography - Mr. Lamb

World Geography - Mr. Mausolf

World Summit - Mr. Mausolf


World Language

Spanish  - Sra. Rella



Research Links - Previous Projects




Plymouth Regional High School Library Research Pages

Librarian: Mrs. Pam Harland

Assistant (to the) Librarian: Mr. Casey Brough

Plymouth Regional High School

86 Old Ward Bridge Rd.

Plymouth NH 03264

tel. 603.536.1444 x2001


Recent Visitors

Comments (6)

Anonymous said

at 10:24 am on Dec 9, 2008

Mrs. Harland there's two sites that I wanted to let you know about for students.

This site is good for crossword puzzles and word searches: www.armoredpenguin.com/

I primarily use this site to get extra help with math problems:

I hope that you find them useful. Enjoy!

Anonymous said

at 5:57 pm on Sep 9, 2007

I just wanted to be the first to comment on your wonderful page! =)

P.S. Emily says hi!

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